Posts from year 2013

Found 23 hits, currently showing 11-20.

Review: A Cook’s Tour

Review: A Cook’s Tour

Even though Anthony Bourdain had been writing several stories for a long time, it was Kitchen Confidential that made him instantly famous in the summer of 2000. Any fans of Bourdain’s travel shows that randomly pickup a copy of Kitchen Confidential, expecting it to be full of hilarious travels, will be quite disappointed.

The Knife in Munich

The Knife in Munich

The Swedish band The Knife were all the rage a few years back. Their 2006 album Silent Shout was one of my favorites that year and received universal acclaim.

The dark past of Munich

The dark past of Munich

I’m currently in Munich, the heart of Bavaria. While it’s the most popular city to live in Germany with high living standards and a bustling economy, unfortunately the name is often associated with tragic events.

Roaming in Romania

Roaming in Romania

It felt odd to enter the polished streets of Bucharest with its sprawling boulevards and Arch of Triumph. It is a strange mix of western architecture and communist style buildings.

Greetings from Moldova

Greetings from Moldova

After a fuming bus journey from Odessa in Ukraine, we’ve just arrived in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. We took extra care to avoid the territory of Transnistria, which covers most of the Ukrainian border.

Ode to Odessa

Ode to Odessa

As I walked along the magnificent boulevards of Odessa, my thoughts went to its history. The city in southern Ukraine was founded by Catherine the Great in 1794, built on the foundation of previous settlements of Greeks, Tatars and Ottomans.

On a misty night in Kiev

On a misty night in Kiev

It was a misty night in Kiev. We left the large Sophia Square, where the golden domes of Saint Sophia Cathedral and Saint Michael’s Cathedral normally are visible.

Exploring Chernobyl

Exploring Chernobyl

The soundtrack of the day was Radioactivity by Kraftwerk, as we rolled into Chernobyl this morning. I felt a slight chill at the sight of the empty streets of Pripyat in northern Ukraine. Soviet rural life locked in time.

The death of Google Reader

The death of Google Reader

A short time after the shutdown of WaSP, it was announced today that Google Reader will be closed on July 1st. While there are replacements available for the RSS reader itself, I can’t help but thinking of the larger picture.



When I started this site almost 20 years ago, the web was a completely different beast. Organizations such as the Web Standards Project (WaSP) were needed to bring order to chaos.

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