Hello there! When I’m not on the road you will likely spot me blocking the view of your favorite band, dressed in black at industrial clubs, having too much gelato somewhere or simply roaming the deserted streets of Gothenburg on cold autumn days.

Reine in Valletta Roaming Valletta.

Traveling is one of my biggest passions which provides me with endless amounts of inspiration. I love to walk around in large cities, surrounded by the creative chaos of mankind.

I’ve endured the cold steppe of Mongolia, the fumes of São Paulo and the food of New Zealand. I despise Charles de Gaulle airport almost as much as I love ice cream from Cold Stone.

Reine in Dasht-e Lut, Iran Exploring a desert in Iran.

I’ve been singing from the stage of Moulin Rouge in Paris, danced waltz at the Swedish Championships and assisted a fire juggler in San Francisco without burning to ash. But not all at the same time. Read my book “Här finns inga drakar” about it all!

Reine in Basel In the streets of Basel.

I have setup base camp in Gothenburg, Sweden. Apart from chilly winters and murderous sea gulls, it’s a place as good as any when it comes to planning new adventures.

About Mink Machine

Mink Machine is a personal web site, serving the finest blend of freshly brewed HTML to the unsuspecting world since 1994. It is primarily used as a creative playground featuring blog entries, travel photos and various projects.
