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This is part 9 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Mission Impossible 6 Fallout, Tenet, John Wick 3, John Wick 4, The Italian Job, 3 Days To Kill, The Tourist, Spartacus, Everyone Says I Love You, Excalibur, Carlito’s Way, Ronin, Saving Private Ryan, The International, Once, Jack Ryan, Ghostbusters 2, Zulu, The Quiet Man.
This is part 4 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Star Wars Episode 2, The World Is Not Enough, Sound of Music, In Bruges, Love Actually, Lola Rennt, Stagecoach, Rebel Without a Cause, Star Trek 4, Cast Away, Sex & The City, Entrapment.
This is part 3 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Game of Thrones, Da Vinci Code, Midnight in Paris, Contact, Control, Into the Wild, The Terminator, From Russia with Love, Back to the Future 3, Taken, Taken 2, Young Guns 2.
This is part 2 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Blade Runner, Star Wars Episode 4, Skyfall, The Living Daylights, The Third Man, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager, Before Sunrise, Easy Rider, Russian House, North by Northwest, Escape from Alcatraz, Californication.
“Los Angeles, November, 2019”. That is the opening line for the classic movie Blade Runner from 1982. Well, this is Los Angeles 2012, and I guess that replicants and flying cars are simply not going to happen within 7 years. But I digress.
Deserts are a magical place where you can find things that you wouldn’t expect. They are also areas that attract a certain kind of people, who are able to endure and even thrive in the open wastes.
The desert wastes of eastern California is a strange anomaly. There are few places so distant from the American Dream, yet so alluring at the same time.
As I drove into Death Valley in the dark hours before sunrise, I silently pondered why the area got its name. It’s one of the hottest places on the planet and the record temperature of 56 degrees Celsius was measured here in 1913.
It feels good to be back in Los Angeles, the city of angels, devils and Hank Moody. Even though I started the morning by dipping my pale toes in the Pacific at Malibu, I’m not doing Venice this time around.
If you want maximum travel experience in minimum time, a classic road trip is the way to go. The freedom of roaming with a car is simply unparalleled. You are free to choose between the packed freeways or the lonely dirt roads.