Posts from year 2017

Found 22 hits, currently showing 11-20.

Terminus festival in Calgary

Terminus festival in Calgary

Despite being placed in the middle of nowhere, Calgary is an unexpected gem with a lot to offer. As I walked across the bridge over Bow River, I realized just how compact the city center is.

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Through Wales without a Tardis

Through Wales without a Tardis

Ah, Wales. The country with the most impressive and baffling language. It was even used in the Bosnian conflict, where a Welsh regiment used the language for as a way to “encrypt” communication.

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A decade of development

A decade of development

What happens in a decade? When it comes to the Internet, quite a lot. In 2007 we didn’t have smartphones, apps, tablets or responsive design. Now, ten years later, there are 2.5 billion smartphones in the world.

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Down the stream in Basel

Down the stream in Basel

It’s been about twenty years since my last time in Basel, I hope they don’t remember me. As I walked along the river Rhine, I thought back on the past two decades and how everything has changed, yet stayed the same.

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A Swiss wedding

A Swiss wedding

As the sun set over the Lake Zürich, the wedding celebration is kicking into high gear inside the Stübli. It feels good to be back in Switzerland, and even better to experience the best kind of festivities with a lot of love in the air.

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Tales of Algarve

Tales of Algarve

So I’m back in Portugal. Way down in the south region of Algarve, to be exact. The town of Faro is kind of sleepy, but since this is my fourth country visited in the last five days, I could use some rest.

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Sessions in Seville

Sessions in Seville

There are few places where the winds of time are so ever-present, as they are in Seville. The cobblestones have been worn by countless people and the streets filled with people since ancient times.

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Raiding Algeciras

Raiding Algeciras

The city of Algeciras have sometimes been called the most ugly town in Spain. Even though the harbor area is a disaster due to the refinery, I can think of far worse places.

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The urban maze of Tangier

The urban maze of Tangier

I’ve arrived in the gritty city of Tangier. The old Medina is full of fascinating gates and narrow alleys, where I blend in like Moby Dick at a Nine Inch Nails concert.

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Ascending Rock of Gibraltar

Ascending Rock of Gibraltar

No shade on Alcatraz in San Francisco, but the Rock of Gibraltar is so much more worthy of the name. In ancient times, this was one of the Pillars of Hercules, flanking the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar.

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