Found 16 hits, currently showing 1-10.
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of staying at the Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore. Completed in 2010, it is the world’s most expensive casino featuring 2500 rooms, celebrity chef restaurants, ice skating rink and of course the famous infinity pool at the top.
Even though nowhere near as remote as Tromsø or Svalbard, it still feels like I’ve reached the very end of Norway. Why someone chose to build a town out here in the rugged island semi-archipelago is a mystery to me.
The streets are alive with the sound of Salzburg, to paraphrase that movie from 1965. This cozy city in Austria feels alive and buzzing despite often being reduced to a tourist frame, compared to big brother Vienna.
Berlin is one of those cities that keep drawing me back. This unique city has a kind of deliberate urban decay which I find quite compelling.
Time for yet another visit to Way Out West, the annual outdoor city festival in Gothenburg. At first the lineup seemed a bit sparse, but it actually turned out to be great.
Yes, I’m actually in Bruges. It’s not just a pun to the movie bearing that name. The medieval town feels like a description from a fairy tale, with cobbled streets and winding alleys.
Singapore feels like one of the most dynamic cities of Asia right now. By extensive use of landfill with sand bought from Indonesia and Cambodia, the bay area has expanded greatly in the last few years.
After experiencing the noisy streets in Kuala Lumpur for a while, these islands feels like a daytime dream. Epic palm trees and crystal clear water frames a picture so perfect it looks like a computer rendering.
The streets of Kuala Lumpur feels like a perfect storm. The heat is unbearable, the traffic unforgiving and the pace is relentless.
There are some towns that tend to feel like your own backyard. You know the place inside and out, but every time you look there is something new that has popped up, joining the familiar.