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Suddenly I find myself spending the autumn months in Stockholm, a cold but beautiful city. Even though I’ve been here countless times during the last 30 years, I still find new places and I love exploring the crooked alleys and hidden paths lurking around the corners.
20 years ago, I wrote the first lines of HTML code on this site. It was written in Emacs on a Solaris workstation and viewed in Mosaic, since this was before Netscape and Internet Explorer were even released.
The city festival Way Out West is known for having an eclectic mix of bands, and this year was certainly no exception.
Bordeaux is perhaps the most famous wine region in the world, for good and bad reasons. The area has a perfect climate for producing wine and the reds are famously well-balanced.
While taking a trip to the Champagne region in northern France, bubbles are on everybody’s mind. We visited several of the houses and it was interesting to compare the giants to smaller vendors.
Yesterday I wandered through the streets of Paris. The sun illuminated the golden statues on the roof of Opera Garnier, a sight I’ve passed many times, and I thought about how a city changes between visits.
Several years ago, I stood alone in the rain on a muddy field at the Arvika festival, surrounded by thousands as Trent Reznor teared away at his equipment.
I’m currently in the capital of Ljubljana, Slovenia. While cities such as Bratislava have been depicted as nightmares in movies as Hostel and Eurotrip, Ljubljana is probably so far off the mental map that it rarely gets mentioned at all in western popular culture.
As with many cities in eastern Europe, Zadar is filled with strange sights. It’s almost impossible to not stumble upon something weird but wonderful.
As I stand in the center of Sarajevo, it is hard to imagine the terrible things that the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina has seen. One of the most well-known tragedies is the assassination of Archduke Frans Ferdinand in 1914, which was the starting point of the first World War.