20 years ago, I wrote the first lines of HTML code on this site. It was written in Emacs on a Solaris workstation and viewed in Mosaic, since this was before Netscape and Internet Explorer were even released. It seems I even had a webpage before Microsoft did.

The World Wide Web in itself turned 25 this year, as Tim Berners-Lee sent a proposal to his boss at CERN on March 10, 1989. During this past quarter-century, I’ve seen the web transform the world in many ways. It’s been a fascinating ride and I’m in awe to be living in these times.

Mink sign Embrace change.

I’ve written over 400 entries as well as writing over 300 movie reviews at Dubbeldissarklubben. Even though blogging has gone into a decline over the last years, both on a global scale as well as my own writing, it’s been a great ride. Here’s looking at you, site.


  • avatar
    24 Aug, 2014

    Hip hip hurray!
    Have you saved anything from the first web pages you made?

  • avatar
    24 Aug, 2014

    Hepp! Men DDK har inte uppdaterats pa 4 ar!! Jag antar att du sett film sen dess, sa var ar dissningarna?

  • avatar
    25 Aug, 2014

    Johan: I might have saved one or two pixels on a floppy somewhere. :)

    Lunicrax: Jag ser massor av film, men tröttnade på alla hatmail som strömmade in till DDK…

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