Posts from year 2009

Found 27 hits, currently showing 1-10.

New Years Eve in Prague

New Years Eve in Prague

The year is about to end and I’m spending the last day in Prague, the beautiful gothic capital of Czechia. Since it’s also the last day of the decade, we might as well go out with a bang.

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Best concerts of 2009

Best concerts of 2009

This year has seen a lot of concerts around the world, perhaps in some way related to the decrease in record sales which forces the artists to hit the roads. Regardless of the reason I estimate that I saw about 80 gigs during the year, and here are some of the highlights.

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Celebrating Sinterklaas in Amsterdam

Celebrating Sinterklaas in Amsterdam

I’m back in Amsterdam where they celebrate the Saint Nicholas’ eve today. This guy is the basis for the more familiar Santa Claus, but originally this eve was the celebration of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of children.

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Review: The Beach

Review: The Beach

The debut novel by Alex Garland in 1996 is probably one of the most well-known items on the traveler’s book shelf. It used to be seen everywhere in hostels, cafés and airports.

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Review: Air Babylon

Review: Air Babylon

This book by Imogen Edwards-Jones tells the tale of a character who works on a big airline. It actually feels like a collection of anecdotes tied together by something vaguely resembling a story line.

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Fall of the Berlin Wall

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Exactly twenty years ago, the Berlin Wall was opened and Germany was reunited about a year later. I remember reading about it in the newspapers of 1989, perhaps a bit too young to fully grasp the impact of this monumental event.

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Review: Rule no 5: No sex on the bus

Review: Rule no 5: No sex on the bus

Brian Thacker is an Australian tour guide and travel writer. The book covers his day job of herding tourists on a bus trip through Europe but is really a lot more entertaining than it sounds.

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Review: Nasty Bits

Review: Nasty Bits

Anthony Bourdain used to be a chef at Les Halles in New York and rose to stardom after his book Kitchen Confidential in 2000. I picked up a copy of his book Nasty Bits several years ago in Singapore, which is an essay collection.

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Travel book reviews

Travel book reviews

Apart from Moleskine notebooks and iPods, a good book is an essential companion for long journeys. And what book could be better than one about traveling? I’ve read a fair bit of travel books in my days.

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Sweet days in Provence

Sweet days in Provence

Nice is nice, but after walking along the beach of Promenade des Anglais and spending a few hours exploring the city I felt quite done with it. If you got the time I strongly recommend exploring the surrounding area.

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