Nice is nice, but after walking along the beach of Promenade des Anglais and spending a few hours exploring the city I felt quite done with it. If you got the time I strongly recommend exploring the surrounding area.

For instance, the neighboring village Tourrettes-sur-Loup was an entirely different matter. It is located approximately one hour by car from Nice and features narrow medieval streets with beautifully vaulted passage-ways. All this is placed upon a hill surrounded by ramparts offering stunning views of the landscape. And despite the name there are unfortunately no wolves running around shouting profanities.

The walls of Tourrettes-sur-Loup The walls of medieval village Tourrettes-sur-Loup are protecting the sacred ice cream.

The village is nicknamed “Cité des Violettes” as the flower has been grown here for a century. Violet stuff can be seen everywhere and they are well-known for the violet sweets. I just couldn’t resist trying the “glace violette et sa fleur cristallisée”, which is violet ice cream with a violet caramel on top. Just fabulous!

I can also recommend the restaurant Auberge de Tourrettes. Their sea scallop with truffle is beyond any description.

Easy living in Tourrettes-sur-Loup Good morning my fellow squirrels.

We stayed in a nice place near Tourrettes-sur-Loup, where we had an entire house in the countryside at our disposal, complete with private pool and large kitchen, as well as a palm tree with a few resident squirrels. The house was situated at 500 meters above sea level, so we could see all the way to the cities of Nice and Antibes as well as the Mediterranean.


  • avatar
    16 Sep, 2009

    yey! and what title were you addresed with this time around? You’ve been to the one area of France I’ve never visited! Je suis jalouse…

  • avatar
    17 Sep, 2009

    I didn’t get any title this time, maybe because I was smart enough not to reveal my name. :)
    You should go there, it’s really beautiful in the countryside. And they have cheese!

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