Started in 1996, Romo Night was an electronic music club that started out at the student venue Kåren, but later moved to the larger Trägårn in 2003.
The first evening had 250 guests, which increased to 1400 at the height of it’s popularity. During the years I’ve seen a lot of bands performing at the club, which was always a great time. Some of the favorite gigs were The April Tears, Elegant Machinery and Covenant.

“All good things must come to an end”, to quote the last track on Consume Desire, the 2002 album by The April Tears.

Tonight was the last club evening of Romo Night, after 11 years of service. I was not all that surprised, since the last year has seen very diminished crowds compared to the heydays a few years ago. But it’s still sad to see it go, even more so as we already seen the demise of SAMA this year. Still I’m impressed that the arrangers Tobbe Eriksson and Tony Ersborg have managed to run this club for so many years.

The last huzzah drew out a lot of people from their comfy coaches, back to the dance floor one last time. I saw one number mentioning 1200 visitors. It was great to see so many familiar faces back again.
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