The club Plasticity has been running since 2000 in the venue Kompaniet, being arranged by Henrik Wittgren, also known from Synthbar, Electropolis, Saturn and other clubs.
Kompaniet is an alternative place which have seen many other clubs, such as Hellfire Club and Synthbar. The best part of every club night is to meet so many familiar faces, always dressed in black. The dance floor music is mostly EBM and synthpop, which suits me perfectly.

Tonight was great as usual. DJ Pär threw on a perfect triple combo featuring “America” by Rammstein, “Electronaut” by VNV Nation and “Xfixiation” by Tactical Sekt. The Hellfire remix of Xfixiation is harsh aggrotech at its very dance-friendliest, perhaps a bit cheesy but quite effective when you’re in the mood to really bounce around. Even Pär felt the urge to leave the DJ cave and join us on the dance floor.
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