Posts with tag ”sanfrancisco”

Found 7 hits, currently showing 1-7.


Movie locations around the world part 4

This is part 4 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Star Wars Episode 2, The World Is Not Enough, Sound of Music, In Bruges, Love Actually, Lola Rennt, Stagecoach, Rebel Without a Cause, Star Trek 4, Cast Away, Sex & The City, Entrapment.

Inspirational travel movies

Inspirational travel movies

Films can be a great inspiration for travel itineraries. Just keep in mind that most of the things we see are edited, green screen or even completely computer generated.

Review: On the Road

Review: On the Road

On the Road is the classic tale from 1957 where Jack Kerouac and his buddies from The Beat Generation travel in a haze of weed and caffeine across America. It’s considered to be one of the definitions of Beat literature and remembered as a big influence on writers and artists.

Blogosphere five years after 9/11

Blogosphere five years after 9/11

Five years ago, the world changed forever after the World Trade Center attacks, and the web changed with it. The drama that unfolded would prove to be quite a performance test for news servers on the web.

Manhattan elsewhere

Manhattan elsewhere

For all of you who share my love for both Manhattan and digital maps, I want direct your attention to Jason Kottke’s latest project called Manhattan Elsewhere.

Back in San Francisco

Back in San Francisco

It’s been some years, but it feels like I never left the streets of San Francisco. It all feels familiar. The smell of Chinatown, the loss of dollars at Amoeba Records and the questionable people in the streets of Haight-Ashbury.

Tales of San Francisco

Tales of San Francisco

As I admired the sunset from the hill above Golden Gate bridge, the city of San Francisco glittered far away in the dying light. This is one of the great cities that everybody recognize without even visiting it.