Posts with tag ”london”

Found 18 hits, currently showing 11-18.

Movie locations around the world

Movie locations around the world

This is the first part of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Mission Impossible, Talented Mr Ripley, Lost in Translation, Fellowship of the Ring, Highlander, French Connection, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, Die Another Day, Interview with the Vampire, The Beach, Rendition, La Dolce Vita, Moulin Rouge.

Music on the street

Music on the street

I see people with headphones everywhere and I often wonder what they listen to. On the street, in the office, at the tram… I had an idea to make something out of this, but as usual someone else had already done it. So here you are.

Visual misconceptions in movies

Visual misconceptions in movies

Movies and other media can often be a subconscious source for how we perceive travel destinations, giving a somewhat different view than reality provides.

Au revoir Jubilee Gardens

Au revoir Jubilee Gardens

Some cities have a sweet spot where I tend to return. It’s like a magnet and I don’t know why.

Over a decade ago I walked alone along the Thames riverfront in London. I came to the Jubilee Gardens and sat down on a bench.

Report from @media conference in London

Report from @media conference in London

The @media conference, or Web Directions as it is officially called these days, was once one of the pinnacles of web development. The celebrities of the web community gathered once a year and confirmed their positions as generals in the web standards war.

Camden on fire

Camden on fire

A newsflash today caught my eye more than usual, as there was a big fire going on in Camden. From what I heard the Canal Market is partly gone, but Lock Market and Stables Market seems to be alright.

Realistic subway maps

Realistic subway maps

Subway maps are usually meant as a visual guide to the system and not by any means an accurate map of the real city. What seems close on a tube map could very likely be a large distance in the real world.

London calling

London calling

For some reason, London has never really been one of my favorites. “Bad food, worse weather” as they once put it in the movie Snatch. But I cannot deny the allure of a sprawling urban area that has been an important location for thousands of years.

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