For some reason, London has never really been one of my favorites. “Bad food, worse weather” as they once put it in the movie Snatch. But I cannot deny the allure of a sprawling urban area that has been an important location for thousands of years.
Even though I’ve been here several times before, there is always something new to discover.

The weather is cold and unforgiving, as one would expect from London. Even the Romans realized that, two millennia ago. But today there is spring in the air, which can bring a smile to even the most hardened souls. So we had a beautiful sunny walk through St James’s Park, smelled the cherry blossoms and got ready to fight the ninja squirrels.

But being me, I also had to spend too much money in the alternative stores at Camden market, locate strange bookstores that were “kinda closed” and perhaps even a wee pint.
“Yes, London. You know: fish, chips, cup ‘o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins…”
— Avi, Snatch (2000)
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