30 years of Mink Machine
30 years is a very long time. When I think back, 1994 was an interesting year (read this in the voice of Connor MacLeod from The Highlander).
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30 years is a very long time. When I think back, 1994 was an interesting year (read this in the voice of Connor MacLeod from The Highlander).
So it seems we have finally reached a proper decade. The 00s or the 10s doesn’t have that nice ring to it like the 20s have. The last time we were there, it was called “The Roaring Twenties”, a period of prosperity and growth.
20 years ago, I wrote the first lines of HTML code on this site. It was written in Emacs on a Solaris workstation and viewed in Mosaic, since this was before Netscape and Internet Explorer were even released.
Another year has gone by and this site turns 15 years old this week. That’s pretty old in the web world. The web of 2009 is very different from 1994. Back then there were no blogs, communities or RSS feeds.
This site has now been online for a decade. Way back in 1994, the tools were quite simple as I wrote plain HTML by hand in Emacs on a Solaris machine and viewed the result in the Mosaic browser.