Another year has gone by and this site turns 15 years old this week. In a way it doesn’t feel like a long time, but when one considers that 1994 saw the death of Cobain and the inauguration of Nelson Mandela, it’s really been a long road.
15 years feel pretty old in the web world. This site was started a few months before the browser Netscape was released. The web of 2009 is very different from 1994. Back then there were no blogs, communities or RSS feeds. Google was not even started and popular sites like YouTube or Flickr were a decade into the future. No one even used mp3 files and very few had email access. “Tell that to the kids of today, they won’t believe you.”

All these years later, I still use the web daily in a multitude of ways. To all readers and visitors, newcomers and old-timers, stars and ghosts of Christmas past, thanks for tuning in.
Happy birthday, my teenage site. May you serve page requests with HTTP code 200 for many years to come.
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