Posts from year 2007

Found 30 hits, currently showing 11-20.

The modern plague of phishing

The modern plague of phishing

Once upon a time, the so-called Nigerian letters were adopted to online versions by devious spammers. They were basically email versions of advance fee frauds and I suppose that a few people fell for these traditional scams delivered by snail mail.

Moleskines of the world

Moleskines of the world

In the digital society of 2007, I suppose that plain notebooks are on the decline. However, there are times when you don’t want to bring a laptop. This is where the classic Moleskine notebooks enter the scene.

New wonders of the world

New wonders of the world

About 2300 years ago, a list of seven wonders were compiled. The so called wonders of the world were spectacular man-made constructions located around the Mediterranean.

Safari for Windows

Safari for Windows

Today the WWDC 2007 was held in San Francisco and the keynote was delivered by Steve Jobs. The one thing that woke me up was that the Safari browser is now available for Windows in a beta version.

Return of Ostindiefararen

Return of Ostindiefararen

After two years at sea, the large ship Ostindiefararen today reached it’s final destination Gothenburg. It had sailed from Gothenburg to Guangzhou (Kanton) in China, visiting the ports of Recife, Cape Town, Jakarta, Shanghai and many more on it’s voyage.

Increased speed in global cities

Increased speed in global cities

I am currently sitting in a hotel room in Oslo, restoring mind and body after a lot of urban walking. One of my favorite things to do in cities is to explore the neighborhoods by foot.

MIX07 in Las Vegas

MIX07 in Las Vegas

The MIX conference is currently held in Las Vegas, just as last year. The reports are pouring in and most of them are containing the word “Silverlight” in one way or another.

The last Romo Night

The last Romo Night

Started in 1996, Romo Night was an electronic music club that started out at the student venue Kåren, but later moved to the larger Trägårn in 2003.

Matt Harding

The dancing globetrotter

Matt Harding was a game developer at Activision who got tired of his work, so he decided to do what many of us dream of but never get around to. He simply quit his job and traveled around the world.

Realistic subway maps

Realistic subway maps

Subway maps are usually meant as a visual guide to the system and not by any means an accurate map of the real city. What seems close on a tube map could very likely be a large distance in the real world.

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