Best cities to celebrate new year
New Year’s Eve is one of the most overly hyped occasions of the year, with celebrations all over the world. But the news often show images from the same old places.
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New Year’s Eve is one of the most overly hyped occasions of the year, with celebrations all over the world. But the news often show images from the same old places.
I’m currently sitting in a train traveling northeast. It is a Sunday evening in November, the month when this part of the world is covered by a cold blanket of gloom. I lift my eyes and have a look at my fellow passengers.
Even though I generally loathe the commercialized term Web 2.0, I believe social interaction on web sites is most often a very good idea. We create a lot of digital content today and it’s a fun thing for others to view and explore.
Airline security seems to become more irrational every day. After 9/11, a lot of new rules were introduced.
ASP.NET has been taking a lot of hard words since the beginning. Many of the complaints are well deserved, but there are some ways to make things slightly better.
Every summer SKYTRAX compile information from 14 million surveys taken by over 90 nationalities. The result of these surveys leads to the World Airline Awards.
Today it was revealed that Microsoft will release the source code to parts of the .NET Framework. It will likely occur during the shipment of VS2008 and .NET Framework 3.5.
I noticed several people riding red bikes in Barcelona recently. So far this year over 100 bike stations has been constructed in the city, strategically located near metro and bus stations.
If there is anyone who has placed their mark on Barcelona, it would be Antoni Gaudí. His masterpiece La Sagrada Família is famous all over the world.
The weekend was spent in the Catalonia region of eastern Spain, where we rented a car in Girona and roamed through beautiful villages.