Banff is more than just the sound of Nightcrawler. It is also a town in Canada which runs a film festival during one week every year, aptly named the Banff Mountain Movie Festival. Yesterday evening offered a selection of the best movies from that festival, held at venerable venue Draken in Gothenburg.

I often enjoy this kind of short movies. If you put your heart into the making, it can make the whole difference. For instance, the old Everest IMAX movie had a big budget and by chance happened to be present at the tragic accident in 1996, but it was still a bit boring and uninspiring.

On the other hand, I saw Touching the void on the Gothenburg Film Festival in 2004, a re-enactment of a disastrous climb in the Peruvian Andes. I guess their budget was a tenth of the IMAX film, but the result was far greater.

Banff festival Banff Mountain Movie Festival scene at Draken.

This years edition of Banff mountain movie festival brought the following films.

  • “The Ultimate Ride” features Steve Fisher and his crazy pals who set out to go kayaking in mighty Zambezi River south of the Victoria Falls. Felt like a mix between Ty Pennington and Jackass.
  • “A Life Ascending” followes ski guide Ruedi Beglinger, who has chosen a life outside the ordinary. He lives isolated in his self-built cottage on a remote glacier in the Selkirk Mountains, reachable only by helicopter. Quite touching.
  • “Into Darkness” by John Waller follows three men who explore an underworld cave in the middle of nowhere. I was reminded of my cave descent in New Zealand, but these guys are the real deal. Not recommended if you suffer from claustrophobia.
  • “Last Paradise” is a shortened cut of a documentary following the emerge of extreme sports. We see old footage where a bunch of mavericks invent the snowboard, enhance the design of regular surfboards, explore remote glaciers in New Zealand and so on.
  • “The Swiss Machine” is about Ueli Steck, a crazy alpinist who speed-climb steep faces.
  • The evening ended with one of my favorite short films regarding traveling: “The Longest Way” by Christoph Rehage, who walked across China from Beijing to Urumqi, while growing an insane beard. I mentioned it last year in The bearded journey and the film is available on YouTube.

If you get a chance to see them, they are well worth a view.


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