Walking across America
Many have seen Matt Harding dance across the globe and earlier this year I wrote about Bearded journey. Now it’s time again for another inspiring movie where a man walks across America from New York to San Francisco.
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Many have seen Matt Harding dance across the globe and earlier this year I wrote about Bearded journey. Now it’s time again for another inspiring movie where a man walks across America from New York to San Francisco.
If you want maximum travel experience in minimum time, a classic road trip is the way to go. The freedom of roaming with a car is simply unparalleled. You are free to choose between the packed freeways or the lonely dirt roads.
There is a great new guy in the White House and he’s got a brand new website as well. The official whitehouse.gov had a major overhaul and the result is quite nice. They use ASP.NET 2.0, but the markup almost validates.
45 years ago, a man named Martin Luther King stood in front of the Lincoln memorial and spoke to 250 000 people. His voice carried the words “I have a dream” across the National Mall.
What would you do if hundreds of people around you simply froze in their steps? This inspiring idea was explored by Improve Elsewhere in Grand Central Station, one of the busiest places in New York.
Five years ago, the world changed forever after the World Trade Center attacks, and the web changed with it. The drama that unfolded would prove to be quite a performance test for news servers on the web.
For all of you who share my love for both Manhattan and digital maps, I want direct your attention to Jason Kottke’s latest project called Manhattan Elsewhere.
One might think that you arrive to Sin City by casually driving your car down the Strip, throwing your car keys to a valet and start indulging in whatever the premises have to offer.
Big Sur is a section of the Californian coast, often said to be one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. We left the cozy town of Carmel early in the morning, leaving nothing but memories (and unfortunately a pair of sunglasses) in the sand.
It’s been some years, but it feels like I never left the streets of San Francisco. It all feels familiar. The smell of Chinatown, the loss of dollars at Amoeba Records and the questionable people in the streets of Haight-Ashbury.