Posts with tag ”paris”

Found 15 hits, currently showing 11-15.

Movie locations around the world

Movie locations around the world

This is the first part of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Mission Impossible, Talented Mr Ripley, Lost in Translation, Fellowship of the Ring, Highlander, French Connection, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, Die Another Day, Interview with the Vampire, The Beach, Rendition, La Dolce Vita, Moulin Rouge.

Review: The Terminal Man

Review: The Terminal Man

This is the story of Merhan Karimi Nasseri and why he lived in Terminal 1 of Charles de Gaulle airport for 16 years. The movie The Terminal from 2004 was based on his story, but the movie script is a bit different from the book.

Moleskines of the world

Moleskines of the world

In the digital society of 2007, I suppose that plain notebooks are on the decline. However, there are times when you don’t want to bring a laptop. This is where the classic Moleskine notebooks enter the scene.

With the Terminal man at Charles de Gaulle

With the Terminal man at Charles de Gaulle

I was recently sitting in Terminal 2 at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, reading The Terminal Man, the tale about Merhan Karimi Nasseri who has been living in Terminal 1 of CDG for 16 years.

Smelling the croissants in Paris

Smelling the croissants in Paris

Paris is one of the great cities on the planet. Even though I’ve been here before, there is always so much to do and experience. Revisit the classics or find new gems, the choice is yours.

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