Posts in category ”Movies”

Found 23 hits, currently showing 11-20.


Movie locations around the world part 3

Welcome to part 3 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Game of Thrones, Da Vinci Code, Midnight in Paris, From Russia with Love, Control, Into the Wild, Contact, Back to the Future 3, Argo, Taken 2, Young Guns 2.

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Bradbury, Los Angeles

Movie locations around the world part 2

Welcome to part 2 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Blade Runner, Star Wars Episode 4, The Living Daylights, Skyfall, Easy Rider, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager, The Third Man, The Terminator, Before Sunrise, Rebel Without a Cause, Yes Man, Californication.

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Movie locations around the world

Movie locations around the world

This is the first part of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Lost in Translation, Lord of the Rings, Highlander, Talented Mr Ripley, Mission Impossible, French Connection, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Interview with the Vampire, The Beach, Rendition, Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, La Dolce Vita, Moulin Rouge.

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Visual misconceptions in movies

Visual misconceptions in movies

Movies and other media can often be a subconscious source for how we perceive travel destinations, giving a somewhat different view than reality provides.

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Bourdain is back with Layover

Bourdain is back with Layover

One of the best ways to get inspiration for upcoming journeys is to watch entertaining hosts embark on their adventures. There are lots of great travel shows out there, but most of them are focusing on the same monuments and all too common sights at a destination.

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Banff Mountain Movie Festival

Banff Mountain Movie Festival

Banff is more than just the sound of Nightcrawler. It is also a town in Canada which runs a film festival during one week every year, aptly named the Banff Mountain Movie Festival.

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Walking across America

Walking across America

Many have seen Matt Harding dance across the globe and earlier this year I wrote about Bearded journey. Now it’s time again for another inspiring movie where a man walks across America from New York to San Francisco.

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The magic of green screen

The magic of green screen

Sometimes we get travel inspiration from exotic scene locations featured in movies, but unfortunately most of it is fake.

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The bearded journey

The bearded journey

Some of you probably remember Matt Harding and his dancing journey across the globe, but you might have missed the adventures of German traveler Christoph Rehage.

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Immersive movie experiences

Immersive movie experiences

I read a newspaper article today which featured a swimming hall that had showed the classic Jaws movie on a big screen, proudly announced that they will show Piranha next. They even seemed to get visitors for this event!

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