So what’s up in Liechtenstein these days? Not much, it seems. With a population of 35000, this country is one of the smallest there is. Today I’ve been strolling through the capital Vaduz, a small town along the Rhine with 5000 inhabitants.

Vaduz Castle is overlooking the town from a hill, a short walk from the center. It’s really a postcard view with the alps in the background, which I’m sure the prince enjoys as he sips his morning coffee while towering above his loyal subjects.

Liechtenstein even have their own brewery, Liechtensteiner Brauhaus, since 2007. It produces decent Helles and a Hefe Weizen (unfiltered wheat) and it’s the principality’s first brewery in 90 years since Quaderer was put out of business when Austria stopped supplies of raw materials in 1917.
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