This is a collection of short stories by Staffan Heimerson, a renowned Swedish journalist. Many of the episodes are downright hilarious, such as the hunt for Bin Ladin in Falun and his road trip on the Karakoram Highway which connects China and Pakistan.

In the opening chapter he describes a meeting with Göran Kropp in Chatanga, before the infamous North Pole expedition in 2000. Heimerson even went to the North Pole himself, and what did he do on the pole? He peed on it.

He also describes being taken prisoner in Zimbabwe, where they put classified documents in the outdoor toilet to avoid suspicion.

Livet är ett äventyr cover

His storytelling is often amusing and quick to read, so grab a copy of the book as summer entertainment.

If you want a more in-depth description of his travels in Eastern Europe, I can also recommend his book Sarajevo from 1995.


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