Found 34 hits, currently showing 11-20.
After a long train journey, I had finally arrived in Beijing. First thing on the list was to get some food. I had hoped to casually sweep through the food court like Anthony Bourdain, but my noodles were awful and I felt more like John Hurt in movie “Alien”, just waiting for the chestburster to appear.
I am currently in Ulaanbaatar after sleeping a couple of nights in a traditional ger tent on the Mongolian plains. It feels good to be back in civilization (sort of) with an internet connection and a warm shower.
I got off the Trans-Siberian at 7 am after four nights of irregular sleep. While placing my dusty shoes on the pavement of the Ulaanbataar railway station, I looked around the area. When tired and hungry, you are an easy target for the shadowy existences walking around here.
I shared cabin with a Russian couple on a night train from Helsinki to Moscow earlier this week. They told me that a plane had crashed near Perm with 80 dead and some damage done to the Trans-Siberian railway.
As I walked across the cold cobblestones, I realized that the Red Square of Moscow had been on my bucket list for decades. The onion domes of St Basil’s Cathedral and the walls of the Kremlin are well-known sights to most people.
When I set out to explore a new city, I tend to look for the odd things that cannot be found back home. So far, Riga has not disappointed me.
The time had come to visit the overpriced frenzy of Way Out West. It turned out to be just as I thought it would be. On one hand, it’s quite comfy to visit a festival at the heart of your home town.
Google is expanding their toolkit every day and this morning saw the release of Google Knol, a service quite reminiscent of Wikipedia where the term Knol refers to a unit of knowledge.
It’s been a couple of years since last time, but it felt good to be back in the forest at Arvikafestivalen. The first days were scorchingly hot, but the last one surprised us all with a lightning storm that came from nowhere and almost swept the festival away.
We came, we saw, we had a fistful of haggis. The road was long and we covered about 1500 miles in a week with visits to uncountable cities, towns and tiny villages.