Posts with tag ”sydney”

Found 3 hits, currently showing 1-3.

Best cities to celebrate new year

Best cities to celebrate new year

New Year’s Eve is one of the most overly hyped occasions of the year, with celebrations all over the world. But the news often show images from the same old places.

New wonders of the world

New wonders of the world

About 2300 years ago, a list of seven wonders were compiled. The so called wonders of the world were spectacular man-made constructions located around the Mediterranean.

New Years Eve in Sydney

New Years Eve in Sydney

The year is about to get wrapped up, so me and Emelie are on our way to Mrs Macquarie’s Point in the Botanic Gardens of Sydney. It is the best view in the city, where the Opera House is seen in front of the massive fireworks in the harbor area.