Posts with tag ”riodejaneiro”

Found 3 hits, currently showing 1-3.

Review: Urban Safari

Review: Urban Safari

If you prefer to spend your vacation on a sunny beach instead of walking through crowded cities, this book is not for you. This is a love story about the big cities in the world.

New wonders of the world

New wonders of the world

About 2300 years ago, a list of seven wonders were compiled. The so called wonders of the world were spectacular man-made constructions located around the Mediterranean.

Rendez-vous in Rio

Rendez-vous in Rio

Apart from the obvious reference to the song by Lustans Lakejer, I found a lot of interesting things in Rio de Janeiro. Maybe the most striking was meeting Jesus on the top of Corcovado. The tall statue is towering above the city on top of a mountain with a marvelous view.