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This is part 8 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Parts Unknown, No Reservations, The Layover, Michael Palin’s New Europe, Michael Palin’s Pole to Pole, Michael Palin’s Sahara, Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation, November Man, Homeland, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Home Alone 2, Blood Diamond.
This is part 4 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Star Wars Episode 2, The World Is Not Enough, Sound of Music, In Bruges, Love Actually, Lola Rennt, Stagecoach, Rebel Without a Cause, Star Trek 4, Cast Away, Sex & The City, Entrapment.
After experiencing the noisy streets in Kuala Lumpur for a while, these islands feels like a daytime dream. Epic palm trees and crystal clear water frames a picture so perfect it looks like a computer rendering.
The streets of Kuala Lumpur feels like a perfect storm. The heat is unbearable, the traffic unforgiving and the pace is relentless.