Posts with tag ”html”

Found 4 hits, currently showing 1-4.

The adaptation of responsive design

The adaptation of responsive design

Apart from the HTML5 bandwagon, Responsive Design was arguably the most discussed topic of last year. The term was coined by Ethan Marcotte in his article from May 2010.

The value of semantics

The value of semantics

Bruce Lawson is one of my favorite technical speakers, and it was great to see him at @media conference in London this summer. A few days ago he wrote HTML5 Semantics which gives a nice round-up of the state of semantics in November 2011.

Report from @media conference in London

Report from @media conference in London

The @media conference, or Web Directions as it is officially called these days, was once one of the pinnacles of web development. The celebrities of the web community gathered once a year and confirmed their positions as generals in the web standards war.

Embracing HTML5 and CSS3

Embracing HTML5 and CSS3

The web is constantly changing and 2010 will be no different. Recently the Web Standards Project announced a change of direction, which really isn’t all that surprising. The “war for web standards”, as Aaron Gustafson calls it, is far from over.