Posts with tag ”aspnet”

Found 5 hits, currently showing 1-5.

Farewell to the guys from Rolla

Farewell to the guys from Rolla

Do you remember a decade-old site called 4 Guys From Rolla? I used to visit it a lot in the early days of ASP.NET.

Server control IDs in ASP.NET 4

Server control IDs in ASP.NET 4

The new version of ASP.NET will take care of an old problem, which is the id mangling of server controls. In short, your carefully named id could be rewritten into something like “ctl00_MainContent_” before rendered to the client.

Dissecting the new

Dissecting the new

There is a great new guy in the White House and he’s got a brand new website as well. The official had a major overhaul and the result is quite nice. They use ASP.NET 2.0, but the markup almost validates.

ASP.NET and standards compliancy

ASP.NET and standards compliancy

ASP.NET has been taking a lot of hard words since the beginning. Many of the complaints are well deserved, but there are some ways to make things slightly better.

Dynamic type creation in ASP.NET

Dynamic type creation in ASP.NET

ASP.NET web controls are usually littered in the markup in design time, but sometimes there is a need to dynamically add controls to an ASP.NET web page in runtime. Its quite easy to generate a server control from a string.