Friends, allies and distant readers! I am happy to announce the release of my book Här finns inga drakar (Here be no dragons).

After many years of work it has finally been completed. The book contains 300 pages with assorted accounts of my travels during three decades, a lot of countries and even more cups of coffee.

Author with book

It features tales about:

  • Diving with overly protective sharks at the Similan islands
  • Eating sheep head in Tehran
  • Discovering the color of the equator
  • Sharing meals with strangers on the Trans-Siberian railway

…and other weird stuff.

It’s actually a printed book, one of those old tattooed tree remains that you may have seen at your grandma’s house. I love the smell of napalm books in the morning and it feels good to hold them in your hands. But for those of you who prefer digital, it is also available in e-book format.

Get your copy now:


For more information, please visit the book page.


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