After the zombie walk a few months ago it was time to hit the city once more with something weird. Last year I wrote about the “freeze” action in several cities. Grand Central Station is still the best one in my opinion, but there are other fun versions as well.

Today I participated in the event where 500 people froze in the center of Nordstan, Gothenburg. This film was shot at the event:

You can see me and Frida in the movie, making shameless advertising for a large coffee chain. A lot of people stopped to stare at it all, wondering what was happening. A small kid stared up at me for a long time with a suspicious but puzzled face, before being instantly startled when we all started moving again at the same time.

Nordstan frozen Nordstan frozen in action.


  • avatar
    08 Mar, 2009

    Cool to see proof of it! :-) However, I didnt see you and Frida in the movie? Where were you?

  • avatar
    09 Mar, 2009

    About 0:50 and 1:43.

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