Posts from year 2006

Found 26 hits, currently showing 21-26.

MIX06 in Las Vegas

MIX06 in Las Vegas

Following the events of SXSW in Austin, the MIX06 conference was the next logical step. For the last days the Venetian in Las Vegas has been hosting this event focusing on Microsoft web technology.

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SXSW wrapping up in Austin

SXSW wrapping up in Austin

Today, the SXSW conference is wrapping up and the crowds are leaving the Austin sun. For those of you who doesn’t have the time to read a lot of reports and presentations, I have selected a few of them.

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Reflections from another Depeche Mode concert

Reflections from another Depeche Mode concert

Even though I rarely listen to Depeche Mode these days, they’ve meant a great deal to me for over 20 years. My first experience of Depeche Mode was the vinyl records of “Speak & Spell” and “Construction Time Again” in the early eighties.

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Ajax for the masses

Ajax for the masses

This morning I read an article which accuses Swedish web sites of being outdated since they’re not using “new” technologies such as Ajax. However, Ajax is not exactly new, since the technology has been around since 1998.

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Turkish culture issues in .NET

Turkish culture issues in .NET

I came across a very fishy bug which seemed to occur only for Turkish locales in Windows. It turned out that case sensitivity was the culprit and both Rick Strahl and Scott Hanselman had written about the issue a few months ago.

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Synthklubben premiere evening

Synthklubben premiere evening

It has been a very dark autumn with the all-too-early demise of my favorite club Plasticity, as well as the closing of Spacelab, Killing Music and Synthbar.

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