Posts with tag ”seo”

Found 5 hits, currently showing 1-5.

Google adds more caffeine

Google adds more caffeine

Google has just updated their indexing machine, calling the new system Caffeine. To honor its name, the index is refreshed much faster than before.

Keeping your Google juice

Keeping your Google juice

Some time ago a bunch of newspapers demanded to get a higher search rank from Google. The reason was that they wanted to be given a free-ride in page rank, instead of spending time at improving their SEO (search engine optimization) skills. Nice try, insert coin.

Examining Google Knol

Examining Google Knol

Google is expanding their toolkit every day and this morning saw the release of Google Knol, a service quite reminiscent of Wikipedia where the term Knol refers to a unit of knowledge.

Silverlight and accessibility

Silverlight and accessibility

About a year ago, a friend asked me how Microsoft would obtain world domination with Silverlight, since almost everyone already have Flash installed and Silverlight is yet another browser plugin. My guess was as simple as horrifying: Windows Update. There is no need to worry about such things as user preferences when you control the operating system.

Google Analytics and cookies

Google Analytics and cookies

A few days after the launch of Google Analytics, the web is buzzing all over about it. Due to an unexpected amount of users the service was temporarily crippled, but now it seems to be up and running.