Posts with tag ”javascript”

Found 5 hits, currently showing 1-5.

Media queries and JavaScript

Media queries and JavaScript

Mobile development and responsive design are frequently mentioned these days. The most widely used technique for responsive design is media queries, a CSS3 extension of the media types frequently used in HTML4 and CSS2.

ASP.NET and standards compliancy

ASP.NET and standards compliancy

ASP.NET has been taking a lot of hard words since the beginning. Many of the complaints are well deserved, but there are some ways to make things slightly better.

Google Suggest

Google Suggest

The new Google Suggest function provides auto-complete to your web search queries.

Creating a dropdown menu in CSS

Creating a dropdown menu in CSS

Dropdown menus are often done with a lot of JavaScript but I wanted to do one using CSS. It is reasonably cross-browser and standards compliant.

Client-side table sorting using DOM scripting

Client-side table sorting using DOM scripting

There are many ways to sort a table containing tabular data. A common approach is to perform the sort on the server using ASP or something similar, maybe out of routine using the same thought pattern as in ordinary desktop applications.