Posts with tag ”belgium”

Found 3 hits, currently showing 1-3.


Movie locations around the world part 4

This is part 4 of my quest for finding movie locations around the world. Contents: Star Wars Episode 2, The World Is Not Enough, Sound of Music, In Bruges, Love Actually, Lola Rennt, Stagecoach, Rebel Without a Cause, Star Trek 4, Cast Away, Sex & The City, Entrapment.

In Bruges

In Bruges

Yes, I’m actually in Bruges. It’s not just a pun to the movie bearing that name. The medieval town feels like a description from a fairy tale, with cobbled streets and winding alleys.

Egg hunting in Brussels

Egg hunting in Brussels

Even though it’s used as a curse in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, Belgium can be a nice place in the summertime.