Croatia - Along the Adriatic Sea

From Zagreb to Zadar and Biograd na Moru.

  • Epicenter

    The main square of Zagreb has existed since the 17th century, featuring Josip Jelačić himself on a horse. The statue was installed in 1866, removed in 1947 but restored after the breakup of Yogoslavia in 1990.

    Trg Josipa Jelačića, Zagreb

  • Sunny afternoon

    View from Lotrscak Tower, Zagreb

  • Eternity

    The impressive arcades dates back to 1879.

    Mirogoj cemetery, Zagreb

  • Mary was here

    One of the weirdest shrines I've been to, with an altar in a car tunnel. But still serene and beautiful.

    Stone Gate, Zagreb

  • Tiles

    The roof tiles are placed so they represent the coat of arms of Zagreb.

    St Marks Church, Zagreb

  • Pathway

    This old tower from the 13th century was built to protect the southern gate of the city wall.

    Lotrscak Tower, Zagreb

  • The sound of tides

    These stairs are known as the Sea organ, since pipes beneath them form a musical instrument based on the rhythm of the waves.

    Morske orgulje in Zadar

  • Millennias of stone

    Ruins are all that remains of the 2000-year-old buildings, once the largest forum on this side of the Adriatic.

    Roman forum in Zadar

  • Millennias of stone

    St Mary's Church was founded in 1066, but rebuilt during the 16th century in Renaissance style.

    Roman Forum in Zadar

  • Sans Daft Punk

    This is the visual counterpart to the Sea organ, powered by solar panels during the day.

    Greeting to the Sun in Zadar