Iran - A tale of tea, sand and kebab

Traveling around Iran, visiting Tehran, Esfahan, Kerman, Yazd, Shiraz, Persepolis, Bagh-e Shahzde, Mashhad, Rayen, Meymand, Ardashir-Kwarrah, Dasht-e Lut, Pasargadae, Meybod and more.

  • Badger badger badger

    The roofscape of ancient town Yazd is covered by badgirs. These are ingenious constructions acting as medieval air conditioning systems.


  • Desert rose

    The 1800-year old palace was built by Ardashir Babakan, the founder of the Sasanian empire. But even among the deserted ruins, life finds a way.

    Ruins of Ardashir-Kwarrah

  • Not really a final rest

    Cyrus the Great was arguably the greatest leader of ancient Persia, praised for his humanitarian rule. The large tomb is located in his capital city of Pasargadae. Unfortunately it had already been plundered when Alexander the Great visited the site in 324 BC, about 200 years after the death of Cyrus.

    The tomb of Cyrus in Pasargadae

  • King of the hill

    Climbing the kaluts (sand castles) in the Lut desert towards Afghanistan.

    Dasht-e Lut

  • Welcome to Mos Eisley

    I bet Obi-Wan would feel at home here.

    Alley in Yazd

  • Bridge over river Zayandeh

    There used to be lovely tea houses located on the many bridges across the Zayandeh river. For various reasons they have been forced to shut down, one by one. The only one remaining is located on the north side of this 298 meter bridge.

    Si-o-Seh bridge in Esfahan

  • More tea

    Invited for tea in village somewhere in Meymand

  • The sound of silence

    Instead of a traditional burial, the Zoroastrians placed their dead on top of a Tower of Silence. After the bodies had been picked clean by vultures, the remaining bones were stored in small alcoves around the tower.

    A Tower of Silence with remains of Zoroastrian buildings

  • Beyond the mud

    The 1800 year old town of Meybod consists of mud-brick buildings with gardens featuring pomegranade trees.


  • Kebab hunter

    Naqsh-e Jahan is the second-largest square in the world after Tiananmen Square in Beijing, or so they say.

    Naqsh-e Jahan in Esfahan

  • Raiding the citadel

    The town of Rayen is located at the foot of Mount Hezar, the 4th highest mountain in Iran.

    Citadel ramparts in Rayen

  • There is no shuffle here

    The 1800 year old town of Meybod consists of mud-brick buildings. This man is creating bricks by mixing clay with straws.

    Worker in Meybod

  • Cave man

    Having tea in a cave in Meymand

  • I dream in color

    This beautiful mosque was completed in 1888.

    Nasir al-Mulk, Shiraz

  • House of strength

    Attending a Zurkhaneh training/workout. This is the strangest thing I've seen in a long time.

    Zurkhaneh at Saheb A Zaman in Yazd

  • The lost boys

    The really cool guys are hanging around beneath the bridges.

    Under the Khaju Bridge in Esfahan

  • Tea time

    Bazaar in Kerman

  • Fine dining

    Where zombies goes for a late night snack. The mind is a terrible thing to taste.

    Having sheep brain in Tehran

  • Salty feet

    Daryache ye Namak

  • Of love and nightingales

    The 12th century poet Hafez remains an idol 700 years after his death.

    Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz