Svalbard - The far north

This is one of the last settlements before going into the remote vastness of the Arctic.

  • From a northern shore

    This group of islands lie in the Arctic ocean far north.

    The island of Spitzbergen

  • The village

    Longyearbyen is the largest community in the Svalbard archipelago. It is located on the entrance of Advent valley in the western part of the largest island Spitsbergen.

    Longyearbyen village

  • Roaming the village

    It is a wonder to wake up in this beautiful village, surrounded by glaciers.

    Longyearbyen village

  • The first sign of trouble

    Advent valley

  • Local bus

    The Svalbard way of traveling, entirely free of evil ticket inspectors. Step aboard, ladies and gentlemen.

    Advent valley

  • Up the hill

    Walking to the nearby mountain called The Sarcophagus.


  • Hi-ho, hi-ho, back from work we go

    Remnants of the old mining activities can be seen all over the area.


  • At the foot of the glacier

    We sat at the foot of the glacier, observing a polar fox above us.

    Hanging with the alaskan malamuts

  • Desolace

    One small step for man and his Meindl boots.

    Bear valley

  • THX certified?

    This is actually the closest thing to a local cinema.

    Huset, Nybyen