Normandy - Cheese and bunkers
Exploring Caen, Bayeux, Mont Saint-Michel, Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc, Arromances, Colleville, Deauville and Grandcamp.
Mountain of the angel
Mont Saint-Michel is a small island in western Normandy. Being a tidal island where the natural land bridge can be hidden at high tide, it was a premier location for a stronghold as well as a monastery.
Mont Saint-Michel
Sunset over the English channel
Walls of the conqueror
This castle was built by William the Conqueror in 1060, being one of the largest medieval fortresses in Western Europe.
Chateau Ducal in Caen
Remains of Mulberry
What's left of Port Winston, the temporary Mulberry harbor. Since they were constructed to last for only six months, it's no wonder that most of it is gone 60 years later.
Edge of destiny
The area is still filled with craters and broken casemates.
Pointe du Hoc
Saving Private Ryan
During the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944, Omaha Beach was the site of chaotic mayhem. It is almost impossible to imagine the slaughter that took place as the infantry ran across this sand towards the fortified casemates.
Omaha Beach
In eternity
The endless fields of white crosses in the American cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer.