Central Spain - Across the Iberian Peninsula

Roaming through Madrid, Segovia, Salamanca, Toledo and Avila.

  • Stone by stone

    This magnificent construction was created around 100 AD, being one of the best preserved Roman aqueducts in Europe.

    Segovia, Spain

  • Alcazar

    The Alcazar of Segovia is a beautiful 11th century medieval castle located on a hillside, rumored to have inspired Walt Disney to the castle of Snow White.

    Segovia, Spain

  • Beneath the arches

    Some people claim that the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca is the most beautiful square in Spain, but personally I think that the one in Madrid has superior colors.

    Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

  • Parkour time

    View from Cathedral of Salamanca

  • A shadow of the past

    Estacion del Norte, Madrid

  • High ground

    The old fortress is located on the highest hill of the city and played a vital part in the civil war.

    Alcazar of Toledo

  • Walled kingdom

    The city of Avila is the birthplace of Saint Teresa, but the most imposing feature is the city wall with 88 towers built in 1090.

    Los Quatro Postes, Avila

  • Halls of stone

    This cathedral is arguably the greatest example of gothic architecture in Spain. Construction was begun in 1226 and several additions were made for centuries to come.

    Cathedral of Toledo

  • Urban forest

    EstaciĆ³n de Atocha is the oldest and largest railway station in Madrid, opened in 1851. A 4000 m2 tropical garden dominates the interior.

    EstaciĆ³n de Atocha, Madrid

  • Nooks and crannies


  • Serenity

    The chilly cathedral is a great place to escape the summer heat.

    The cathedral of Salamanca

  • Looking for Juliet

    237 balconies surround the rectangular plaza.

    Plaza Mayor, Madrid