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Some time ago a bunch of newspapers demanded to get a higher search rank from Google. The reason was that they wanted to be given a free-ride in page rank, instead of spending time at improving their SEO (search engine optimization) skills. Nice try, insert coin.
There is a great new guy in the White House and he’s got a brand new website as well. The official had a major overhaul and the result is quite nice. They use ASP.NET 2.0, but the markup almost validates.
About a year ago, a friend asked me how Microsoft would obtain world domination with Silverlight, since almost everyone already have Flash installed and Silverlight is yet another browser plugin. My guess was as simple as horrifying: Windows Update. There is no need to worry about such things as user preferences when you control the operating system.
Flash is often said to be an excellent tool for interactive visual effects when applied properly, while it’s a pain when it comes to accessibility and semantics. There is also the issue with search engine optimization, since the Google bots don’t know how to index the binary files.
Web standards are a set of technologies from standards organizations. By using web standards developers can maximize the probability that sites work satisfactory in most browsers and environments, making web content as accessible as possible.