Croatia - Along the Adriatic Sea
From Zagreb to Zadar and Biograd na Moru.
Sunny afternoon
View from Lotrscak Tower, Zagreb
The impressive arcades dates back to 1879.
Mirogoj cemetery, Zagreb
Mary was here
One of the weirdest shrines I've been to, with an altar in a car tunnel. But still serene and beautiful.
Stone Gate, Zagreb
The sound of tides
These stairs are known as the Sea organ, since pipes beneath them form a musical instrument based on the rhythm of the waves.
Morske orgulje in Zadar
Millennias of stone
Ruins are all that remains of the 2000-year-old buildings, once the largest forum on this side of the Adriatic.
Roman forum in Zadar
Millennias of stone
St Mary's Church was founded in 1066, but rebuilt during the 16th century in Renaissance style.
Roman Forum in Zadar
Sans Daft Punk
This is the visual counterpart to the Sea organ, powered by solar panels during the day.
Greeting to the Sun in Zadar
This old tower from the 13th century was built to protect the southern gate of the city wall.
Lotrscak Tower, Zagreb