China - Visiting the chairman

Exploring Beijing, Badaling and Qingdao.

  • No entrance

    The center of Beijing is dominated by the walled area of the former imperial palace, where the emperor uncontested ruled the empire. Construction began in 1406 and the last emperor abdicated in 1912.

    Hall of Supreme Harmony in Forbidden City, Beijing

  • A pile of bricks

    Minor walls were linked together during the Qin Dynasty in 200 BC, forming the original Great Wall to keep out the marauding nomads from the north.

    The Great Wall

  • A day in the life

    The traditional hutongs are narrow alleys formed by lines of residential houses. During the last 50 years a lot of hutongs have been demolished to make way for modern buildings.

    A hutong in Beijing

  • The old man and the sea


  • Men with hats


  • Guardians

    The roofs are protected by various mythological creatures.

    Forbidden City, Beijing

  • Spot the foreigner

    I blend in like a chameleon in Asia.

    In the Beijing subway

  • Backseat gamer

    Street in Beijing

  • Modest crib

    Archery Tower, Beijing