Australia - Roaming down under

Going from Sydney to Cairns.

  • Little fluffy clouds

    The famous sails were designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon.

    Opera House, Sydney

  • A bridge too far

    This year the city was celebrating the 75th anniversary of the old "coathanger". Notice the people on top of the bridge.

    Harbour Bridge, Sydney

  • Surf's up

    The familiar waves of Sydney's best known surfer spot. The color of the ocean here is said to have inspired Apple in colorizing their first iMac.

    Bondi Beach, Sydney

  • Waiting for the night to fall

    Tens of thousands were camping at Mrs Macquarie's Point to celebrate New Years Eve.

    Mrs Macquarie's Point, Sydney

  • A room with a view

    Yes, that's the Barrier Reef out there.


  • We need Mick Dundee

    Apart from the box jellyfish, there's also the occasional crocodile to avoid on the walkway.


  • Greensleeves
