Rome - Stories of old
The eternal city may slowly crumble to dust, but will never be forgotten.
The river of belief
St Peter's Basilica with the river Tiber
Divine view
The view from St Peter's Basilica where Anita Ekberg once lost her hat to the wind in Fellini's La Dolce Vita is simply spectacular.
The Vatican
Tiber crossing
Isola Tiberina is a small island in the Tiber, similar to Île de la Cité in Paris. As such it was a convenient place for bridging the Tiber and Ponte Fabrico is the oldest surviving bridge in Rome, built in 62 B.C.
Ponte Fabrico
Not just any pile of bricks
Forum Romanum
Eternal city
View from Terrazza Viale del Belvedere
Bread and circuses
More than dust
Forum Romanum