Castelgandolfo - Staying at the Pope's

This little town in Lazio is perhaps best known as the place where the pope has his summer residence.

  • The road to Gandolfo

    We arrived to Castelgandolfo by a sturdy old train over the hillsides. I bet Robert Ludlum didn't think of this view when he chose that title for his book.

    Train tracks outside Castelgandolfo

  • A room with a view

    Not really your everyday view from a bedroom window.

    Lago Albano

  • Beach stroller

    The palace Palazzo Pontificio is situated on high ground above the large crater lake Lago Albano. Pope Urbanus VIII selected it as his summer residence in 1626.


  • Daily dome

    Castelgandolfo is also the site of the Vatican Observatory. In 1935 two domes were moved here from Rome, due to light pollution.

    On the roof of Castelgandolfo

  • Castelgandolfo

    The walking path to the top is long and tedious, where cats watch your every step.

    The hill of Castelgandolfo