Ecuador - Across the equator

The country of Ecuador is so much more than the eponymous geographical line.

  • Roof of the world

    At 2850 meters above sea level, Quito is the highest official capital of the world.

    Centro Historico, Quito

  • Will the real equator please stand up

    The real equator marking is hidden away, since the official equator already had been marked by an expensive monument.

    The real equator

  • Nice try

    The real equator is a few hundred meters off, but it's still an impressive monument.

    Mitad del Mundo

  • Dodgy times

    Plaza Grande, Quito

  • Volcanospottning

    A bit out of breath at 4200 meters above sea level.

    Cotopaxi volcano area

  • Someone to watch over you

    Virgen del Panecillo, Quito

  • Catching up

    Basilica del Voto Nacional

  • Street spirit
